Event date: 2/1/2023 Export event Mark Wills / Tuesday, December 6, 2022 / Categories: Uncategorized Who am I Now? The Ever-changing Role of the Caregiver NASW Wisconsin Noon-1 p.m. CentralThis training will provide an overview of how a caregiver's role changes as the care needs of their loved one change. It will review the individuality of the caregiver, caregiver adaptation, address what-if questions, and discuss resources. Financial aspects will also be reviewed, including insurance coverage.1 CEU availableRegister for Who am I Now? The Ever-changing Role of the Caregiver at https://naswwi.socialworkers.org/Events/NASW-WI-Calendar/ArticleID/2804/ArtMID/49105/preview/true. Previous Article Building Resiliency with Intimate Partner Abuse Survivors Next Article Ethics and Boundaries: When Culture Affects Decision Making Print 1099 Tags: virtual continuing education webinar chapter Wisconsin Related articles Undoing the Perpetuation of Structural/Systemic Racism: It’s a Public Health Crisis Ethics of Essential-Self Care for Clinicians Professional Development Bullying in Social Context: Promoting Resilience for Insecure Children and Teens Diversity, Equity, and Social Work: Continual Improvement Webinar Borderless Care: Navigating Transnational Caregiving in a Globalized World