Event date: 1/27/2023 Export event
Mark Wills
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The "Invisible Gorilla" in Social Work Ethics: Recognizing and Addressing Ethical Challenges

NASW Wisconsin

Noon-1 p.m. Central

Social workers encounter complex ethics challenges throughout their careers. Common dilemmas concern the limits of clients' confidentiality rights; complex boundary issues and dual relationships; conflicts of interest; technology use when serving clients; documentation decisions; and termination of services, among others.

Dr. Frederic Reamer will draw on pioneering research—known as The Invisible Gorilla research agenda--demonstrating the likelihood that even the most thoughtful practitioners may fail to recognize compelling challenges they encounter. Dr. Reamer will facilitate discussion of common ethical dilemmas in social work; ethical decision-making protocols; and practical strategies designed to protect clients and practitioners.

1 CEU available

Register for The "Invisible Gorilla" in Social Work Ethics: Recognizing and Addressing Ethical Challenges at https://naswwi.socialworkers.org/Events/NASW-WI-Calendar/ArticleID/2803/ArtMID/49105/preview/true.
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