Event date: 1/25/2023 Export event Mark Wills / Tuesday, December 6, 2022 / Categories: Uncategorized Medically Induced Trauma: What Social Workers Need to Know NASW Wisconsin Noon-1 p.m. CentralThe incidence of medically induced trauma has been documented, though is not always addressed in medical or therapy settings. The “lucky to be alive” approach, and concerns about liability, dismiss the reality of the estimated 20-30% of ICU patients that have PTSD. Research with patients who have had heart attacks and stroke, complicated childbirth and gynecological procedures, pediatric patients, ICU stays, and HIV all indicate that PTSD or PTSD symptoms following medical care is a problem that medical social workers and mental health social workers can not only be aware of, but also be on the front end of post hospitalization care, ensuring measures that will help alleviate traumatic reactions and suffering.1 CEU availableRegister for Medically Induced Trauma: What Social Workers Need to Know at https://naswwi.socialworkers.org/Events/NASW-WI-Calendar/ArticleID/2801/ArtMID/49105/preview/true. Previous Article The Future of Reproductive Rights in Wisconsin Next Article Best Practices for Working with Transgender, Nonbinary and Gender Diverse Individuals Print 1311 Tags: virtual continuing education webinar chapter Wisconsin Related articles Undoing the Perpetuation of Structural/Systemic Racism: It’s a Public Health Crisis Ethics of Essential-Self Care for Clinicians Professional Development Bullying in Social Context: Promoting Resilience for Insecure Children and Teens Diversity, Equity, and Social Work: Continual Improvement Webinar Borderless Care: Navigating Transnational Caregiving in a Globalized World