Tackling the Grand Challenge to End Homelessness
SPS Webinar
The Grand Challenges for Social Work initiative sponsored by the American Academy of Social Work & Social Welfare represents a dynamic social agenda focused on solving this nation’s toughest problems. The grand challenge to end homelessness (GC2EH) was adopted as part of this initiative as a way to orient the social work profession and advance innovation and evidence-based solutions.
This webinar will review major advances in workforce development and research implemented by schools of social work to address the GC2EH. It will also discuss ongoing factors that perpetuate homelessness.
Presenters: Rashida Crutchfield, EdD, MSW and Benjamin Henwood, PhD, LCSW
CEs: 1 Social Work contact hour
SPS Members: Free / Members: $20 / Non NASW Members: $35
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