Event date: 4/25/2022 Export event
Mark Wills
/ Categories: Uncategorized

How to Navigate Conversations About Microaggressions

NASW Maryland

9 a.m.-12:45 p.m.

Ever wonder what to do if you see a microaggression or if you are the perpetrator of a microaggression? This course will walk you through practical steps on how to identify, communicate the presence of, and have dialogue about microaggressions.

Participants will be provided with the opportunity to define microaggressions. Participants will also be given real world and practical examples of common microaggressions and provided with the tools to identify microaggressions in real time. There will also be an opportunity for participants to practice engaging in conversations around the occurrences of microaggressions.

Course Objectives:
  1. Develop awareness of the daily and very common occurrences of microaggressions;
  2. Investigate the real-life impact of microaggressions on individuals, communities, and systems; and
  3. Learn and practice effective ways to dialogue about microaggressions in various environments.
3 Category I (please contact your local board to ensure CEUs are approved for your state)

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