Event date: 3/2/2022 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM Export event Josh Klapperick / Tuesday, February 22, 2022 / Categories: Uncategorized Social Work in the Digital Age: Challenging Boundary and Dual Relationship Issues Webinar 12 -3 pm Social workers who provide distance or remote services face a wide array of novel boundary and dual relationship issues. Traditional approaches to these issues must be expanded to address ethical challenges in the digital age. How should I manage clients who search online and find personal information about me on the internet? Is it ethical for me to search online for information about my clients without their knowledge or consent? Is it ever appropriate to be online social networking "friends" with a client or former client? Can I provide remote social work services to a former Facebook friend? What risks are associated with "after hours" online and digital communications with clients? Dr. Frederic Reamer will explore these and other boundary and dual relationship issues facing social workers who use technology to serve clients. He will explore the implications of prevailing ethics standards and discuss ways to protect clients and help prevent ethics-related lawsuits and licensing board complaints. Learning Objectives: Identify boundary and dual relationships related to social workers; use of digital and other technology to serve clients Apply key ethical and practice standards related to boundary issues and dual relationships Design and implement strategies to protect clients and help prevent litigation and ethics complaints Approved for 3 Ethics CEUs. Register for Social Work in the Digital Age Previous Article NASW DC Metro/NASW Virginia 2022 Virtual Annual Conference Next Article Ethical Issues in Police Social Work Print 1480