Event date: 10/6/2021 Export event
Mark Wills
/ Categories: Uncategorized

Documentation in Social Work: Complex Ethical and Risk Management Issues

NASW New Jersey

Noon-2 p.m.

This webinar will address complex ethical, malpractice, and risk-management issues pertaining to documentation of services and critical incidents in social work settings.

Frederic Reamer will present challenging case examples and state-of-the-art guidelines related to high-stakes documentation decisions, including issues related to wording choices, client and third-party access, electronic records management, disclosures during legal proceedings, and records management in integrated care settings, among others. Dr. Reamer will discuss practical strategies social workers can use to protect clients and themselves (including prevention of litigation and licensing board complaints).

At the conclusion of this workshop participants should be:
  • Familiar with prevailing ethics and risk-management standards related to documentation in social work settings
  • Familiar with contemporary documentation guidelines promulgated by national organizations and codes of ethics
  • Able to identify documentation issues that pose malpractice and liability risks
  • Able to design strategies to enhance accountability, protect clients, and prevent ethics complaints and lawsuits
Register for Documentation in Social Work: Complex Ethical and Risk Management Issues
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