woman in glasses reads a newspaper

Volunteer Specialty Practice Sections Leadership Positions

The National Association of Social Workers is looking to fill leadership positions for the Specialty Practice Sections.

The Specialty Practice Section’s Committee is charged with providing content expertise for a national program to inform members about current trends in social work practice and linkages to policy issues impacting service delivery.

The 11 Specialty Practice Sections are:

  • Aging
  • Administration/Supervision
  • Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs
  • Children, Adolescents and Young Adults
  • Child Welfare
  • Health
  • Mental Health
  • Private Practice
  • School Social Work
  • Social and Economic Justice & Peace
  • Social Work & the Courts

It would be a two year terms beginning July 1 2025. NASW’s President will make the final decision on committee appointments. We would comp your Specialty Practice Section membership.

All committee members must maintain continuous active NASW membership through the duration of their term. For the committee there are no face-to-face meetings. However, you will participate in conference calls usually 3-4 a year each year over a two year term. It is important to attend these calls as these are planning articles for the newsletters. You and the other members of the committee will be responsible for providing content in the form of articles and other information for the Section’s newsletters. You would be responsible for writing one article per year or recruiting someone to write an article. Content provided can be written by you or you can solicit articles from others. You will also be asked to serve as a panelist (optional) once a year to discuss a social work topic important to your practice area. You may occasionally be asked to serve as an expert in the field for media inquiries or be called upon to participate in ad hoc groups (optional).

The Alternate works with others and engages in and monitors one of the three online communities. This takes a few minutes a week. This person must also agree to and be ready to step into a committee role at a moment’s notice. Succession may happen at anytime so the person must be willing to leave the Alternate position to fulfill a vacant Committee seat without hesitation.

If you are interested in applying for one of these leadership positions, please send a bio by March 10, 2025 to sections@socialworkers.org and put in the subject line which section you are interested in serving a leadership role in.

Click the links below to see the Alternate and Committee Member roles and responsibilities.

Specialty Practice Sections - Responsibilities of the Alternate

Specialty Practice Sections - Responsibilities of Committee Members

adults in conversation

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