Author Guidelines for Specialty Practice Section Publications

woman with laptop and notebook

NASW invites qualified authors to write articles on topics of interest for Specialty Practice Section publications. Our readers are social work professionals, paraprofessionals and students who subscribe to social work core values and the NASW Code of Ethics.

We're looking for quick-read articles that our readers can use as a resource within different practice settings. Articles should be practice-focused in the areas of practice represented by the Specialty Practice Sections. 

We welcome from the field narratives, lessons-learned and stories on best practices. The Specialty Practice Sections newsletters will also consider book reviews of titles from NASW Press only.


Submissions are expected to build on existing knowledge in the topic area. Authors should provide comprehensive information in a succinct manner. This should include concise, informative paragraphs, free of jargon and overly complicated terminology, clear and meaningful sentences, and when necessary use bullets or list the items.

Our preference is for original content from the author that has not been printed in other publications. If the article you are submitting has been published before you must gain reprint rights first.

For the Mental Health newsletter there must be at least one reference, but no more than 5 for a written article. There should be in-text citation(s) accompanied by an APA style formatted reference list at the bottom of the article. Author(s) must use the most up to date source available. References must be recent, within the past 10 years, unless the reference is either historical or seminal in nature and accompanied by explanation. No other exceptions permitted.

For the InterSections in Practice, annual bulletin there should be an in-text citation(s) accompanied by an APA style formatted reference list at the bottom of the article. Author must use the most up to date source available:

References should be recent, within the past 10 years, unless seminal or historical in nature and accompanied by an explanation. No other exceptions permitted.

Reference example:

National Association of Social Workers. (2021). NASW Code of Ethics. Retrieved from

References are optional for the following newsletters listed below. However, published information from other sources if used in an article should be referenced in parenthetical citations within the text and should also include an APA style reference list.

  • Administration & Supervision
  • Aging
  • Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs
  • Child Welfare
  • Children, Adolescents & Young Adults
  • Health
  • Private Practice
  • School Social Work
  • Social & Economic Justice and Peace
  • Social Work & the Courts

We are looking for evidence-based articles, trends, stories from the field, resources, “how to” and specialty information practitioners can use within their different work settings. Note, these articles should not be based on “opinions” but can be commentary in nature.

Unbiased Language

In the interest of accurate and unbiased communication, authors should not use language that may imply sexual, ethnic, or other kinds of discrimination, stereotyping, or bias. NASW is committed to the fair and equal treatment of individuals and groups. Material submitted to NASW Press should not promote stereotypical or discriminatory attitudes and assumptions about people.


Paragraphs should not be indented but double space between each paragraph.

Articles should not include headers, footers, text boxes, shapes and lines, art or images. Tables and charts are acceptable.

Articles should avoid using footnotes. Only in rare cases for content and copyright notes should footnotes be used. Articles with footnotes that are not content or copyright notes will be sent back to the author for proper citing or may not be accepted.

Submissions should be composed in a scholarly, informed, professional writing style. Give the most important information first, and then add details.

Please state the name of the Section for which the article has been prepared.

Articles should be between 500 to 1500 words for newsletters and 950 to 1,250 words for Intersections in Practice (does not include reference list or table(s)). All articles should be submitted in 12-point type, Times New Roman font, double-spaced, in Microsoft Word or rich text format (.rtf).

  • SPS Committee members have different guidelines please check with your section committee chair first for details.
  • Please submit articles to
  • APA Formatting and Style Guide

Author Information

The author must be a social worker or co-author with a social worker. Every article should be accompanied by the author's full name, highest degree and any licenses or certifications and job title, and/or employing organization. Authors should identify if they are an MSW or ACSW. An e-mail address is encouraged.

Author’s bio should come before the reference list.

Authors should include a two or three sentence paragraph bio. For example:

Jayne Smith, ACSW, LICSW is a workforce analyst in the Department of Equity and Employment at Louisiana State University. She can be contacted at jsmith@org.

Author of articles may submit a photo of 300 dpi (high-resolution) under separate email to

Selection Process

The decision to include articles in an SPS newsletter or in any other practice publication is at the discretion of NASW.

By submitting material, submitter gives NASW the right to revise and edit written material if necessary before publishing. We will attempt to preserve the author's voice, but all accepted articles will be edited for space and clarity according to NASW's style and formatting guidelines.

NASW Specialty Practice Sections Policy On Plagarism

The use of another author's ideas, words, or data without attribution is considered plagiarism; whether the use is deliberate or accidental. NASW and the Specialty Practice Sections view any incidence of plagiarism as an issue of professional misconduct and a violation of the NASW Code of Ethics.

NASW Disclaimer

Opinions in the NASW newsletters are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the National Association of Social Workers. The mention of trade names does not constitute an endorsement by NASW.

Rev. 9.9.24