NASW Advertising Policy
Policy Statement
The National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
reserves the right to exercise control over the content of its
publications in order to fulfill its legal obligations and to implement
the policies adopted by its Board of Directors. NASW reserves the right
unilaterally to reject or cancel advertising in its publications for any
reason. Decisions regarding the acceptance of advertisements will be
informed by the principles noted below.
I. General
- NASW will comply with any applicable federal or District of Columbia laws.
- NASW Social Work Advocates and other NASW publications will not accept advertising for candidates for elective office.
- Advertisers bear all responsibility and liability for the content of their ads. Advertisers are cautioned to avoid content, including illustrations, that may defame individuals or may be perceived as demeaning to any individual or group.
- Ads will not be accepted from agencies or individuals under sanction by NASW for violations of the NASW Code of Ethics.
- It is NASW’s policy not to accept advertising for insurance products and related vendors that are not sponsored by the NASW Assurance Services, Inc.
- Evidence of accreditation by an accrediting body of the Council on Higher Education Accreditation must be submitted with ad placement requests for social work degree programs.
- NASW reserves the right to reject advertisements inappropriate to a professional social work publication.
II. Liability
- Publication of an advertisement does not
constitute endorsement or approval of any product or service advertised,
or any point of view, standard, or opinion presented therein. NASW is
not responsible for any claims made in an advertisement appearing in its
- The advertiser and/or advertising agency assume
liability for all ad content including text preparation and
illustrations. By submitting an advertisement to NASW, the advertiser
and/or advertising agency indemnify and hold the publisher harmless from
and against any loss, expense, or other liability resulting from any
suits including actions for libel, breach of warranty, negligence,
product liability, misrepresentation, fraud, violation of privacy,
plagiarism, copyright infringement, and any other claims or suits
whatsoever that may arise from publication of such advertisement.
- NASW will not be bound by any term(s) or
condition(s) that an advertiser includes on order forms or invoices
unless NASW has agreed in writing to such term(s) or condition(s).
- Other than the return of any charge that has
been paid, NASW is not liable for any alleged loss or damages if an
advertisement is omitted for any reason.
- Advertiser claims for errors will be reviewed on
a case-by-case basis with discounts offered for the advertisement in
question or on the advertiser’s next order provided it is determined
that NASW made the error and that the error seriously affected
advertising results.
III. Personnel Advertising
- Personnel advertising in violation of federal or District of Columbia civil rights laws will not be accepted for publication.
- NASW will not maintain box numbers for recruitment advertisers.
IV. Placement of Orders
- The placement of an order for an advertisement or advertisements constitutes an acceptance of all the rates and conditions under which advertising is sold at that time.
- To qualify for a multi-issue reduction, advertising must be placed on a contract basis on the terms applicable to individual periodicals. A contract starts with the first insertion. Sixty (60) days written notice is required for contract cancellation by publisher or advertiser. If a contract is cancelled, the charges for the ads placed while the contract was in force will be short-rated; i.e., the full one-time insertion rate will be applied retroactively for each ad actually placed. Advertising agency commissions and multiple-insertion discounts do not apply to classified (per line) ads.
- If new copy for contract ads is not received by the closing date, standing copy will be used. If usable standing copy is not available, the advertiser will remain liable for paying for the space contracted, even if NASW must substitute its own “house” advertising to fill the space. Likewise, advertisers who reserve display advertising space and do not cancel the reservation by the reservation/cancellation deadline, but who fail to provide the ad’s copy/artwork in usable form per NASW specifications by the closing date, will be liable for paying for the space reserved, even if NASW must substitute its own “house” advertising to fill the empty space.
- d. NASW will provide notice of rate changes at the earliest feasible time and at least in the issue preceding the first issue to be affected. Any advertising contract ratified before a rate change is announced will be honored at the contracted rate for the life of the contract. Renewals of such contracts will be subject to the rates prevailing at the time of renewal.
- No cancellations will be accepted after closing dates. Advertisers who fail to notify the publisher of cancellation prior to closing date will be required to pay the full price for insertion. Cover insertion orders may not be cancelled.
- NASW may require that an advertisement be labeled in some way to differentiate the paid advertising from announcements for NASW services or products.
- Advertising orders will not be accepted by phone. All advertising must be received in writing by the deadline date.
- NASW reserves the right to close deadlines early and without notice if available advertising space in an issue is sold out.
- Positioning of ads will be at NASW’s discretion, although advertiser’s preference will be met when practicable.
V. Copy
Advertisements that resemble the format and layout of the periodical itself will not be accepted without the label “Advertisement.” NASW reserves the right to require this label on any and all advertisements.
- NASW reserves the right to add its own specific disclaimer to any ad.
- Copy requirements, specifications and policies for each NASW publication are stated in the NASW Advertising Media Kit.
VI. Terms
- The terms for all advertising charges are net 30 days.
- NASW reserves the right to withhold advertising for any account that has an invoice unpaid beyond 90 days.
- First-time advertisers are required to make full payment with their advertisement insertion order to establish credit.
- Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover are accepted.