NASW Board of Directors

Sylvester “Jim” Bowie, EdD, MSW

Bernadette Seifert, LICSW

Sylvester “Jim” Bowie, Professor Emeritus, earned his BSW and MSW degrees from California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) and a Doctorate in Education from the University of San Francisco. His social work experiences include private and public agencies; emergency response, reunification and adoptions. He worked for the Federal Title IV-E Stipend Program at CSUS, as a liaison and coordinator. He joined the CSUS faculty in 2001 and served in many capacities including vice chair and chair of the Faculty Senate, director of the BSW program, and chair of the Faculty Council in the Division of Social Work. He has served as chair and board member of the Center for African Peace and Conflict Resolution (CAPCR) on the CSUS campus. Bowie retired from CSUS in 2021. He has served NASW California Chapter as 1st Vice President and President of the board, and on various sub-committees including CalPace. Bowie serves on the National Audit Committee.